Under the influence of COVID-19 , most of us were depressed at home at the beginning of this year. Now the epidemic become under control, it’s time to attend music related activities. The Pianoiris Recital 2021 will be held on 4 Sept 2021 with details as follow: Date:4 September 2021 (Sat) Time:1:45pm venue:Recital Hall, 9/F, […]
樂文匯音樂會2019在9月1日, 於香港大會堂高座8樓演奏廳順利完成,在這政局風雨飄搖的香港下,特別感謝學生們、家長們和朋友們的支持,亦衷心感謝拍檔黃文輝老師, 司儀Sianna, 和所有工作人員
梁美樂老師、黃文輝老師與學生們將會演繹不同風格的鋼琴作品,節目包括巴洛克時期至二十世紀風格作品,以及著名音樂改編鋼琴曲, 歡迎喜歡音樂或學習鋼琴的朋友們來臨欣賞我們的演出。 日期: 2019年 9 月1 日(星期日) 時間: 下午 4 時 45 分 ( 下午 4 時30分開始入場 ) 地點: 中環香港大會堂高座8 樓演奏廳 費用: $ 110 (不設劃位, 門票在 8 月1 日起於城市售票網公開發售, 購買3 至 4 張享有 9 折優惠, 購買5 張以上享有85折優惠) 城市售票網: https://ticket.urbtix.hk/internet/zh_TW/eventDetail/38765 城市售票網網上購票方法: https://www.lcsd.gov.hk/tc/ticket/ticket.html
Outstanding performance of Tsang Long Ting, grade 2 student, at Recital 2018
Outstanding performance of Cheng Tian En, grade 2 student, at Recital 2018
A student recital jointly organised by Ms Iris LEUNG and Ms Rebecca TSUI will be held on 8 September 2018. In addition to the performance by students of Ms LEUNG and Ms TSUI, the teachers will also perform trio by violin and piano. Music lovers and those who has interest to learn piano are welcome. […]
No need to see videos any more. Friends who want to learn piano, or love piano music can listen to teachers and students’ performance very soon. The coming recitals will have performance of students of Miss Iris Leung, Mr. Kaspar Wong and Miss Agnes Shum. And will have violin performance, the piano solos and piano duets […]
Through active and devoted participation of students and teacher, support from parents and audience, and help from our volunary assistants, the IKA Student Recital 2016 was successfully held. Thanks you all.